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Time to grow –
With the supply chain
management software solution

What makes the
difference in
detailed production planning?

DISKOVER's detailed planning module PP-DS helps when production capacities are scarce and the available capacity can only be adjusted to demand to a limited extent, when different production targets work against each other and have to be brought to an economic optimum.

Target values such as productivity, adherence to deadlines and throughput can be improved with the PP/DS-
module, taking into account restrictions such as limited capacities of
personnel and machines, set-up costs, tool availability, etc.
. A high level of transparency and reproducibility facilitates decisions
in critical situations.

Efficiency through AI

Detailed production planning uses DISKOVER’s optimizer function, which works with
heuristics and metaheuristics from the field of artificial intelligence.

This enables high optimization quality with very short runtimes and
can also cope with less accurate data. This significantly reduces the implementation effort for the
detailed planning function.

We will be happy to show you what else is possible
a personal demo, because….

… a detailed planning function must work quickly and efficiently
without making unrealistic demands on
data quality.

Holistic optimization

In detailed planning, material availability and resource availability
(e.g. production capacities) are considered in an integrated manner. The availability of any resources can be defined via resource calendars
. During planning,
availabilities can be adjusted with a click, e.g. to extend or add
production shifts.

In addition to the current resource allocation, numerous other
parameters are taken into account during planning, such as split sizes, transfer quantities, cost parameters or
cycle times. Based on the existing restrictions, DISKOVER strives for the
overall optimum of productivity, adherence to delivery dates and throughput, whereby further
target criteria such as throughput time and set-up time can be added. The
weighting of the optimization targets can also be adjusted by the user.

We will be happy to show you what else is possible
a personal demo, because….

… detailed planning must take into account all significant
restrictions in order to deliver realistic,
feasible results. Nevertheless, the
person must be able to react to an overload situation
by simply adjusting the available capacity and
changing priorities.

Transparency and flexibility

The optimization results are visualized in colour in a GANTT chart.
Detailed information on operations, production orders and the planning network
is displayed via a tool tip and in pop-up info windows.

Users can intervene in the planning result by specifying
priorities and desired start times or manually postponing processes.
In a new planning run, DISKOVER follows the specifications if they can be realized.

We will be happy to show you what else is possible
a personal demo, because….

… the best detailed planning algorithms cannot replace the
expertise of an experienced planner.
People must therefore be able to adapt
optimization specifications.

You want to know more?

Would you like to simplify production planning?

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities.
Please contact us!

"By introducing the DISKOVER software, we were able to halve the throughput times of our production. It offers us a set of rules at Industry 4.0 level, which we can use to plan even our batch size 1 products with continuously optimized parameters."



Would you like to simplify production planning?

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities.
Please contact us!

The DISKOVER team will be happy to advise you on which software package
is right for your company.

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