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Inventory management: more supply readiness with artificial intelligence

Inventory management: more supply readiness with artificial intelligence

SCT GmbH presents an AI-based software tool for optimizing the service level of companies. It can be used to precisely determine what needs to be stocked in the dispatch warehouse in order to be able to deliver to customers on time.

The Abels & Kemmner Group belonging to the SCT GmbH presents the new Service Level Booster, the first software tool that uses artificial intelligence to determine what needs to be stocked in the shipping warehouse in order to always be able to deliver to customers on time. To ensure that this is done at the lowest possible cost, the inventory management software optimizes the required safety stock levels for the goods in stock. Its aim is to achieve the level of delivery readiness that can be set according to demand with the lowest possible stock levels. Companies already optimized with conventional MRP systems can reduce their inventories by a further 3 to 4 %. This means that 30 to 40 thousand euros can be saved per million euros of finished goods inventory.

You can find the full article here on the Digital Process Industry website.

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