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Material disposition for emergencies

Material disposition for emergencies

Precisely determine ad hoc requirements

In the material planning run, companies ensure that their material requirements are covered. Due to various influences, the systems often calculate larger quantities than are required – even when there is an acute need. The new Critical Part Information System in SCT’s scheduling software is designed to prevent this.

Material planners are often faced with complex problems that they can no longer solve with conventional planned requirements planning. The war in Ukraine is also causing an unprecedented shortage of materials in many industrial companies. Suppliers are often unable to deliver preliminary products on time and in the desired quantities. Due to a lack of resources, they are forced to cancel orders or only supply them in smaller batches or at significantly higher prices. Industrial companies therefore lack parts list components for end products, which can then also only be delivered in limited quantities. However, if companies know which components they need and in what quantities, they can at least meet the most urgent needs of their own customers and, above all, use the insufficient quantities of purchased materials to produce the finished products with the highest contribution margins.

This technical article can be found in full on the IT Production magazine website or in issue 09/2022 on pages 52-53 of the print version.

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