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This tool is designed to optimize material planning

This tool is designed to optimize material planning

Fragile supply chains pose a serious challenge for material planning in the manufacturing industry. How can companies still achieve the best possible delivery readiness in the event of a poor supply situation? A scheduling tool is designed to help provide quick ad-hoc insights into critical items.

Today, planners are faced with a multitude of complex problems that they can no longer solve with conventional planned requirements planning. Since the coronavirus pandemic, but at the latest with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, many industrial companies have been faced with an unprecedented shortage of materials. In this situation, it is crucial to know exactly what quantities of which components are actually needed. In this way, you can at least meet the most urgent requirements of your own customers and, above all, use the insufficient quantities of purchased materials for the production of finished products with the highest contribution margins.

You can find the full article here on the Factory Net magazine website.

Featured image: © Pexels

Picture of DISKOVER Media Team


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