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Beschaffung-aktuell: Rodenstock changes its scheduling management

Beschaffung-aktuell: Rodenstock changes its scheduling management

Because business at Rodenstock is no longer as continuous as before, but increasingly volatile, the manufacturer of ophthalmic lenses and frames has optimized its scheduling management and introduced the Discover advanced planning and scheduling software. The pilot project went live at the end of 2022.

Rodenstock, the manufacturer of spectacle lenses and frames, wants to optimize its scheduling management and is introducing the Discover advanced planning and scheduling software from SCT Supply Chain Technologies GmbH. Until now, Rodenstock has mainly used the standard functions of the SAP ERP system for scheduling. As the optimizations achievable at this level have already been fully exploited, Rodenstock is now relying on Discover’s modular functions to further optimize its material flows. The pilot project went live at the end of 2022.

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